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Showing 1-15 of 200 results
xray on tablet held by clinician in white coat and stethoscope
Health Lab
These factors are linked to a higher risk of pneumonia after heart surgery
Researchers uncovered nine elements that have significant effects on a whether a patient may develop pneumonia, with nearly 20% of patients moving into a higher risk category based on what occurred during or following the surgery.
teal persons body looks like a puzzle red heart top right of shoulder and chest getting placed into missing piece spot
Health Lab
Normothermic perfusion system extends life of organs waiting for transplant
A team of researchers have spent the past eight years looking at better ways to transport organs for donation, specifically hearts, to improve the number of organs that can be used for transplants. They found that using a modified normothermic perfusion system heart preservation was feasible for up to 24 hours.
dad on left, mom sitting next to son all talking smiling
Health Lab
How you can teach your kids to stay safe in the sun
A melanoma survivor shares facts and tips about preventing all types of skin cancer.
girl sitting on couch with brace on and standing with brace on in UM shirts
Health Lab
Live donor cartilage allows musician to return to the stage
A musician receives live donor cartilage that changes her life.
Photo of hand gripping the bannister on a stairway
Health Lab
Addressing fall risks in people with multiple sclerosis
Among people with multiple sclerosis in the United States, more than half experienced at least one fall in a six-month period and approximately one-third of those falls resulted in an injury.
Barbie doll placed in stretching positions for a visual aid for doctors
Health Lab
Barbie may help physicians, patients have more productive telehealth visits
At the University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, one physician found a way to help pediatric patients demonstrate different joint movements using a Barbie doll.
Illustration of three older women playing cards at a table
Health Lab
Research needed on support for nontraditional caregivers providing care for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
A growing number of people living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias – especially those from diverse backgrounds – receive care from a network of individuals that increasingly includes nontraditional informal caregivers.
Illustration of shoe without its sole and cuts and germs all over the bottom of the foot
Health Lab
No, you shouldn’t be going barefoot in public
Tik Tok trend of going barefoot in public is a bad idea according to podiatrists
Pink, blue, purple illustration of COVID-19 virus
Health Lab
Four years later, what do we know about COVID-19?
Today, thanks to researchers, medical and public health experts, pharmaceutical companies, engineers and others, we know more and can do more about the coronavirus called SARS-CoV2, and the disease called COVID-19, than ever before.
Older woman listening to music with headphones as she lays on a couch.
Health Lab
Music may bring health benefits for older adults
Making music by singing or playing an instrument, or listening to music, brings health and wellbeing benefits to many older adults.
Surgeon's tray with gloved hand reaching into wallet
Health Lab
Worries about costs, time off work and COVID-19 kept some older adults from having surgery
Elective surgery study shows older adults have concerns about what it will cost them, how much work they’ll miss and whether they’ll catch COVID-19.
Scott Soleimanpour, M.D., sits in front of a computer screen picturing beta cells
Health Lab
Unraveling the secrets behind beta cells
One diabetes program is moving to revolutionize investigations and treatment in the field
scoliosis see through back patient sitting
Health Lab
Breaking the curve
A Michigan Medicine expert calls for comprehensive scoliosis awareness and care.
doctor heart floating stethoscope
Health Lab
AI model predicts death, complications for patients undergoing angioplasty, stents
Researchers at Michigan Medicine developed an AI-driven algorithm that accurately predicts death and complications after PCI — which could emerge as a tool for clinicians as they determine treatment for blocked heart arteries.
Minding Memory with a microphone and a shadow of a microphone on a blue background
Minding Memory
Identifying Dementia from EHR Data
In 2009, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, wow, that's a mouthful, more commonly known as the HITECH Act, spent billions to promote the uptake of electronic health records by US hospitals. Fast forward more than a decade later, and now approximately four out of five healthcare institutions have electronic health record systems in place that integrate clinical notes, test results, medications, diagnostic images, et cetera. The adoption of EHR systems into healthcare introduces new and exciting opportunities to extract information that can be used to augment other types of data for research. As you might imagine though, it can be tricky to pull out meaningful information from the text of clinical notes. In this episode, we'll speak with a University of Michigan researcher, Dr. Vinod Vydiswaran, who's been developing methods to identify dementia from EHR data.