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Showing 31-45 of 102 results
heart organ yellow blue
Health Lab
Around 10% of deaths from coronary stenting, balloon angioplasty are preventable
Around 10% of all deaths following percutaneous coronary intervention are potentially preventable, a study led by Michigan Medicine finds.
White rat with pink eyes in a glass case
Health Lab
An updated rat reference provides more accuracy for research
An updated rat reference provides more accuracy for research; could help researchers using rat models for the study of DNA, RNA, evolution, or genes linked to disease risks
Department News
Pharmacological Sciences and Bio-Related Chemistry Symposium Poster Winners: Livia, Cristian, and Kassidy
Congratulations to Livia, Cristian, and Kassidy!
Rob Goldsmith
Department News
Robert Goldsmith, Ph.D. Candidate (Brody Lab) successfully defends dissertation!
Congratulations to Robert Goldsmith, Ph.D. Candidate (Brody Lab), on successfully defending his dissertation.
COVID sleep clock with mask
Health Lab
The science behind waking up on the wrong side of the bed
New study measured continuous heart rate, step count, sleep data and daily mood scores. The researchers also estimated circadian time and time awake from minute-by-minute wearable heart rate and motion measurements.
Close up image of red blood cells moving through veins
Health Lab
Discovery reveals how this common stinky gas is processed to promote blood vessel growth
A new collaborative study, examined the interaction between three naturally occurring gases — nitric oxide (NO), oxygen, and H2S — during generation of new blood vessels, called angiogenesis.
Closeup of knee with caregiver holding the joint and examining it.
Health Lab
Lipid mediator Maresin 1 helps improve muscle regeneration
How lipid mediators -- potent regulators of the immune response after an injury -- varied with the acute loss of a large volume of skeletal muscle, also known as volumetric muscle loss (VML) is the focus of new research from the University of Michigan.
Subhash Arya
Department News
Subhash Arya, Ph.D., receives the 2024 Thermo Fisher Trainee Achievement Award
Subhash Arya, Ph.D., Postdoc Fellow in the Parent Lab, has recently been selected as a recipient of the 2024 Thermo Fisher Trainee Achievement Award.
Speculum illustration including a gloved hand holding a swab in front of microscopic cells
Health Lab
U.S. could cut cervical cancer cases, deaths by up to 20% if more patients followed up after screening, study suggests
Many women don’t get cervical cancer screening such as Pap tests, or don’t go for follow up diagnostic tests; a new study shows what could happen if all of them did.
Juan Valentin-Goyco
Department News
Juan Valentín-Goyco successfully defended his dissertation
Congratulations to Juan Valentín-Goyco (Ph.D. candidate, Auchus Lab) on successfully defending his dissertation titled "Mechanistic and Pharmacological Studies of 11β-hydroxylase (P450 11B1) and Aldosterone Synthase (P450 11B2)".
Four older women pose and smile
Health Lab
Unlocking the secrets of SuperAgers
People in their 80s and 90s with cognitive abilities similar to much younger people, called super agers, are taking part in a national study of their brain health.
Department News
Dr. Matthew Brody is awarded the 2024 Cardiovascular Pharmacology Early Career Award
Congratulations, Dr. Brody!
Older woman checks her face in the mirror
Health Lab
Does trying to look younger reduce how much ageism older adults face?
How do ageism and positive age-related experiences differ for people who have tried to look younger, or feel they look younger, than they actually are? A new study examines this and the relationship with health
headshot of John Traynor
Department News
John Traynor, Ph.D., is elected Secretary/Treasurer-Elect for ASPET
Congratulations to John Traynor, Ph.D., on his new role as Secretary/Treasurer-Elect for ASPET. His term will begin on July 1, 2024. Read more here:
Department News
Elizabeth Jaeckel has paper featured in the Journal of Neuroscience
Elizabeth Jaeckel's (Birdsong Lab) paper, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, was chosen to be a featured article.