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Showing 16-30 of 64 results
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Investigating How Dermal Injections Impact Aging Skin
A new study examines dermal injections and their impact on skin aging.
Portraits of Jona Kalaj and Angela Kelly
Department News
M&I 2023 AdMIration Award goes to Jona Kalaj and Angela Kelly for DEI work
In December 2023, Jona Kalaj and Angela Kelly received a 2023 Department of Microbiology and Immunology AdMIration award for their dedication to the department’s DEI goals
Illustration of hand and enzymes that affect scleroderma patients
Health Lab
Novel antibody targets CD38 enzyme to treat systemic sclerosis
New study has identified an enzyme contributing to systemic sclerosis.
Department News
U-M Dermatology Gains #6 Ranking for NIH $ in 2023
With thirteen NIH awards totaling more than $6.2M, our department’s NIH funding grew by nearly 35% during Federal Fiscal Year 2023.
Mike Imperiale smiles holding a signed photo of the campus
Department News
Mike Imperiale is Professor Emeritus of M&I
In January 2024, Michael J. Imperiale, PhD, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, started his tenure as Professor Emeritus after his retirement from the University of Michigan (U-M) Department of Microbiology and Immunology (M&I) in December 2023.
Department News
Dr. Tejasvi Receives VA Connected Care Distinguished Leaders Award
Dr. Tejasvi at Michigan Medicine and the VA Ann Arbor Health System Receives VA Connected Care Distinguished Leaders Award.
sketched out bacteria in a dish yellow and blue colors of U-M
Health Lab
This gross mixture has big benefits for the study of bacteria
Michigan Medicine researchers have found that growing bacteria on agar mixed with organs is an efficient and effective way to study infectious pathogens.
Department News
E. Snitkin in Michigan Medicine Health Lab
Spread of drug resistant bacteria linked to patient hand contamination and antibiotic use within nursing homes
wheelchair walker image
Health Lab
Spread of drug resistant bacteria linked to patient hand contamination and antibiotic use within nursing homes
A Michigan Medicine research team seeks to identify characteristics of patients within nursing homes, as well as the nursing home environment itself, that are associated with contamination by vancomycin-resistant enterococci.
Cover of the annual report with the name of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Department News
M&I 2022–2023 Highlights
We are pleased to share with you our 2022–23 Report with a special featured story on the history of the early women in M&I at the University of Michigan.
green circle cells close together highlighted in yellow
Health Lab
Solving a sticky, life threatening problem
Michigan Medicine researchers have zeroed in on C. auris’ uncanny ability to stick to everything from skin to catheters and made a startling discovery.
bacteria black background yellow cell
Health Lab
The surprising origin of a deadly hospital infection
Surprising findings from a Michigan Medicine study in Nature Medicine suggest that the burden of C. diff infection may be less a matter of hospital transmission and more a result of characteristics associated with the patients themselves.
Department News
Teacher David Mueller rekindles his passion for science in the Carruthers Lab
David Mueller, a high school teacher, rekindles his passion for science in the Carruthers Lab
Department News
Halle Frey’s passion for immunology
Halle Frey’s passion for immunology: An undergraduate student in the Laouar Lab
Department News
Meet Vicky Wang, an undergraduate student in Dr. Akira Ono’s lab
Meet Vicky Wang, an undergraduate student in Dr. Akira Ono’s lab