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Showing 121-135 of 155 results
medical doctor smiling glasses brown hair
Health Lab
Medical student tackles cystic fibrosis on a global scale
A medical student advocates for better cystic fibrosis awareness with help from the Clinton Foundation.
Department News
Michael Hortsch given Henry Gray Distinguished Educator Award
Michael Hortsch has been given the Henry Gray Distinguished Educator Award from AAA.
Department News
New publication from Rosa Menjivar (Pasca di Magliano lab) in collaboration with Costas Lyssiotis
"Arginase 1 is a key driver of immune suppression in pancreatic cancer," has been published in eLife.
Department News
New Publication by Ron Benyair (Weisman Lab)
"Upregulation of the ESCRT pathway and multivesicular bodies accelerates degradation of proteins associated with neurodegeneration," has been published in Autophagy Reports.
Department News
Congratulations to Marina Pasca di Magliano
Marina has been inducted as a 2022 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Department News
New Publication by Changyang Linghu
"Recording of cellular physiological histories along optically readable self-assembling protein chains" has been published in Nature Biotechnology!
Women in science collage
Health Lab
Scientists explain their passion, offer advice
Early career researchers describe their professional journeys to help inspire women and girls pursue careers in science
Michigan Medicine
Health Lab
Celebrating women in medicine
Several female physicians discuss what mentorship means to them
Department News
New Publication by Pierre Coulombe and Amanda Orosco
"Inhibiting EGFR Signaling Holds Promise for Treating Palmoplantar Keratodermas" has been published in Investigative Dermatology!
Department News
New Publication from the Castro/Lowenstein Lab
"Impact of epigenetic reprogramming on antitumor immune responses in glioma," has been published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Department News
New Publication from Jackie Graniel, Jessica Teitel and the Developing Future Biologists team
"Developing Future Biologists: developmental biology for undergraduates from underserved communities," has been published in Development.
News Release
University of Michigan Medical School withdraws from participating in U.S. News & World Report annual rankings
The University of Michigan Medical School will no longer participate in the annual U.S. News & World Report (USNWR) rankings of medical schools.
Department News
New Publication from Michael Hortsch
"The Michigan Histology website as an example of a free anatomical resource serving learners and educators worldwide," has been published in Anatomical Sciences Education.
Department News
New Publication by Mara Harwood and Dr. Tai-Ting Woo co- first authors
New Publication by Mara Harwood (graduate student) and Dr. Tai-Ting Woo (post-doctoral fellow) co- first authors.
Nurses looking at clipboard with goggles and masks on in clinic
Health Lab
A dual approach to nursing shortages
An education and employment partnership seeks to fill a need for more nurses while also supporting a diverse workforce.