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Department News
New publication by the Joglekar Lab
"The structural flexibility of MAD1 facilitates the assembly of the Mitotic Checkpoint Complex," has been published in Nature Communications.
Department News
New Publication from Joseph Letner (Cai Lab)
"Post-explant profiling of subcellular-scale carbon fiber intracortical electrodes and surrounding neurons enables modeling of recorded electrophysiology," has been published in the Journal of Neural Engineering.
Department News
New Publication from the Parent Lab
"An adaptive and versatile method to quantitate and characterize collective cell migration behaviors on complex surfaces," has been published in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.
Department News
New Publication from Nafisa Nuzhat (Pearring Lab)
"CEP162 deficiency causes human retinal degeneration and reveals a dual role in ciliogenesis and neurogenesis,” has been published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Department News
New Publication by Charlie Childs (Spence Lab)
"EPIREGULIN creates a developmental niche for spatially organized human intestinal enteroids," has been published in JCI Insight.
Department News
New Publication from the Ye Lab
"Cross-modal modulation gates nociceptive inputs in Drosophila," has been published in Current Biology.
eye drawing
Health Lab
Cataract surgery reimbursements may not be enough for some patients
For complex cataract surgery, Medicare reimbursements are far lower than a simpler form of the surgery.
Hand putting eye drops in eye
Health Lab
See clearly with these tips for safely using eye drops
What should you consider when choosing the best kind of artificial tears for your eyes?
Purple hand holding chapstick marking on a mans brow
Health Lab
Beezin’:The dangerous TikTok trend involving Burt’s Bees
Why putting lip balm on eyelids is bad for your eyes
Department News
Michael Hortsch given Henry Gray Distinguished Educator Award
Michael Hortsch has been given the Henry Gray Distinguished Educator Award from AAA.
Department News
New publication from Rosa Menjivar (Pasca di Magliano lab) in collaboration with Costas Lyssiotis
"Arginase 1 is a key driver of immune suppression in pancreatic cancer," has been published in eLife.
Department News
New Publication by Ron Benyair (Weisman Lab)
"Upregulation of the ESCRT pathway and multivesicular bodies accelerates degradation of proteins associated with neurodegeneration," has been published in Autophagy Reports.
Department News
Congratulations to Marina Pasca di Magliano
Marina has been inducted as a 2022 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Department News
New Publication by Changyang Linghu
"Recording of cellular physiological histories along optically readable self-assembling protein chains" has been published in Nature Biotechnology!
Department News
New Publication by Pierre Coulombe and Amanda Orosco
"Inhibiting EGFR Signaling Holds Promise for Treating Palmoplantar Keratodermas" has been published in Investigative Dermatology!