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Showing 166-170 of 170 results
pregnant stomach with yellow dots and blue undertone lab note
Health Lab
Few pregnant people who died of overdose, suicide in Michigan received proper treatment before death
A review of maternal deaths suggests most individuals had documented behavioral health conditions but only one-third received appropriate pharmacologic treatment before death
Department News
New Publication from Michael Hortsch
"The freedom to teach (at the best)," has been published in Anatomical Sciences Education.
friends hugging purple butterflies
Health Lab
Lupus: A frustrating diagnosis journey you don’t need to embark alone
Nicknamed the “invisible disease”, the autoimmune disorder comes with lifestyle changes that can be a challenging adjustment.
prescription pad
Health Lab
Reducing opioids prescribed after total knee and hip arthroplasty can be beneficial for patients and doctors
Large doses of opioids are commonly prescribed after total knee and hip arthroplasty to avoid call-ins for refills, but smaller doses can be just as effective.
Department News
Department of Anesthesiology launches initiative to minimize the field’s impact on climate change
The initiative aims to reduce the Department of Anesthesiology's greenhouse gas emissions from anesthetic gases by 80%.