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Showing 1-15 of 71 results
vines all over growing out of purple woman drawing pink background calendar up and pad on right. calendar says the normal menstrual cycle typically lasts for less than 7 days and occurs every 21 to 35 days. the average woman loses about 2-3 tablespoons of blood during her period. pad says the typical cost the menstrual hygiene products is $7 to $10 per month, which adds up to between $3,360 and $4,800 over the course of a life time
Health Lab
Addressing disparities in abnormal menstrual bleeding and anemia
A large grant for Michigan Medicine will launch important research to improve the screening and treatment for a gynecologic disorder that disproportionately impacts Black and Hispanic populations
child on comp screen dark room with teddy bar blonde hair
Health Lab
Children often exposed to problematic clickbait during YouTube searches
On YouTube, the content recommended to kids isn’t always age appropriate, a Michigan Medicine study finds.
mom smiling with 3 kids
Health Lab
Adolescents with heart disease learn resilience skills, connect with peers through unique program
Youth with heart disease enrolled in unique program that teaches resilience and builds connections with their peers
Logo of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Department News
Rachel Niederer, PhD, and collaborators receive research funding to discover and develop RNA therapeutics for cystic fibrosis
Assistant Professor Rachel Niederer of the Department of Biological Chemistry at U-M Medical School is one of the recipients of a collaborative award from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
Chase Weidmann onstage, receiving a faculty mentor award
Department News
Chase Weidmann, PhD, receives the 2024 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award from the Cellular and Molecular Biology Program
Assistant Professor Chase Weidmann of the Department of Biological Chemistry at U-M Medical School is the 2024 recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award from the CMB Program.
Five faculty members who have been promoted
Department News
Five Biological Chemistry faculty members receive promotions
Yan Zhang, PhD, Jeanne Stuckey, PhD, Markus Ruetz, PhD, Michael Cianfrocco, PhD, and Wei Cheng, PhD, have been promoted.
surgery gloves passing tool blue and yellow
Health Lab
A universal heparin reversal drug is shown effective in mice
The newest version of the heparin reversal drug, described in a recent issue of Advanced Healthcare Materials, adjusted the number of protons bound to it, making the molecule less positive so it would preferentially bind to the highly negative heparin, resulting in a much safer drug.
dad on left, mom sitting next to son all talking smiling
Health Lab
How you can teach your kids to stay safe in the sun
A melanoma survivor shares facts and tips about preventing all types of skin cancer.
Structure of the filamentous protein cyclodipeptide oxidase AlbAB
Department News
The Giessen lab publishes two new papers and receives research awards from the National Science Foundation
Recent research achievements from the Giessen lab.
girl sitting on couch with brace on and standing with brace on in UM shirts
Health Lab
Live donor cartilage allows musician to return to the stage
A musician receives live donor cartilage that changes her life.
gloves surgery blue yellow
Health Lab
More oversight of donated tissue products urgently needed, say experts and Michigan policymakers
A JAMA viewpoint outlines the tragic story of Shandra Eisenga, a patient who received spine surgery for back pain only to inexplicably contract tuberculosis.
Meredith Skiba, PhD
Department News
Meredith Skiba, PhD, will join the faculty of the Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology Departments
Dr. Meredith Skiba will join the faculty of the Departments of Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology at U-M Medical School in 2025.
Close up image of red blood cells moving through veins
Health Lab
Discovery reveals how this common stinky gas is processed to promote blood vessel growth
A new collaborative study, examined the interaction between three naturally occurring gases — nitric oxide (NO), oxygen, and H2S — during generation of new blood vessels, called angiogenesis.
Closeup of knee with caregiver holding the joint and examining it.
Health Lab
Lipid mediator Maresin 1 helps improve muscle regeneration
How lipid mediators -- potent regulators of the immune response after an injury -- varied with the acute loss of a large volume of skeletal muscle, also known as volumetric muscle loss (VML) is the focus of new research from the University of Michigan.