Events Calendar
Showing 1-6 of 6 results
Head and Neck Oncology Program
Annual program that highlights current head and neck oncology research from invited speakers and Michigan Medicine faculty.
Founders Day and Schacht Lecture
Hosted by the Kresge Hearing Research Institute, Founders Day is an opportunity for fellows and graduate students to present their research. The event features the Schacht Lecture, which aims to support rising investigators by fostering opportunities for networking, forming collaborative partnerships and mentorships.
Photo of the Kresge Hearing Research Institute wooden sign
24th Annual Charles J. Krause MD Lectureship
The Charles J. Krause MD Lectureship aims to further the understanding of research advances in otolaryngology in both basic science and clinical applications. This year's Charles J. Krause, MD invited lecturer, Jennifer Villwock, MD who is slated to give two presentations. Current residents will also present updates on their research projects, which cover a variety of topics and sub-specialties.
Michigan League Ballroom with people sitting at round tables for a seminar
ORL Essentials Summer Bootcamp
The ORL Essentials Boot Camp is a simulation course held annually with instructors from around the Midwest to help junior residents develop essential skill, including intubation, surgical airway management, bronchoscopy and epistaxis management.
Trainee working on a medical mannikin in a simulation lab setting
Temporal Bone Dissection Course
This extensive five-day course is designed as a complete temporal bone dissection course for a resident or fellow in training or as an update for the practicing otolaryngologist.
Woman looking through a microscope
Temporal Bone Dissection Course
This extensive five-day course is designed as a complete temporal bone dissection course for a resident or fellow in training or as an update for the practicing otolaryngologist.
Woman looking through a microscope