Dr. Matt Brody receives the inaugural Pfizer Upjohn Early Career Research Professorship of Molecular Pharmacology

Matt Brody

Please join the department in congratulating Dr. Matt Brody, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine in the Department of Internal Medicine, on his appointment as the inaugural Pfizer Upjohn Early Career Research Professor of Molecular Pharmacology!

Dr. Brody’s research program focuses on understanding the molecular basis of cardiac disorders, including heart failure and hypertrophy, with a specific focus on the role of novel posttranslational modifications such as palmitoylation, prenylation, and acylation. He has successfully established a well-funded and expertly staffed laboratory. He provides excellent mentorship to trainees and is an effective didactic teacher. He is establishing a national scientific reputation as a thought leader in cardiovascular pharmacology.

Congratulations, Dr. Brody!

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