Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
[email protected]
Available to mentor
Jason H L Kahn, MD, FACP, FAAP
Clinical Assistant Professor
Stojan JN, Wolff M, Buckler S, Kahn J, Santen SA, Daniel M. Clin Teach, 2017 Dec; 14 (6): 451 - 453.Journal ArticleExperiential learning about medication adherence.
DOI:10.1111/tct.12645 PMID: 28436116 -
2007 May 1;Presentation"Sinusitis"
Kahn J, Frohna JG. Pediatrics, 2002 Jan 1; 110 (1): 192 - 193.Journal ArticleSinusitis? [Comment]
Kahn JH, Starling MR, Supiano MA. Can J Cardiol, 2001 Feb; 17 (2): 203 - 205.Journal ArticleTransient dobutamine-mediated pulsus alternans.
PMID: 11223491 -
Kahn JHL, Davis M. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2004 May; 19 (Suppl 1): 153 - 154.Proceeding / Abstract / PosterFirearm safety screening and counseling in primary care: A survey of residents
Burman I, Kahn JHL. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2010 Apr; 25 (Suppl 3): S446 - S446.Proceeding / Abstract / PosterImplementing Group Medical Appointments in the busy resident clinic
Kahn JHL, Suh N, Hogikyan RV, Supiano MA. Journal of American Geriatric Society, 1998 May; 46 (9): S42 - S42.Proceeding / Abstract / PosterIntra-arterial insulin infusion increases forearm blood flow in older humans