Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
[email protected]
Available to mentor
Robert Shaffer, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Shaffer R, Cohen A, Lo B. VisualDx,ChapterHypertensive Emergency
Brent C, Shaffer R. 2020 Evidence Based Critical Care: A Case Study Approach, 71 - 77.ChapterDiagnosis and Management of Ethylene Glycol Ingestion
Minges P, Shaffer RW. 2020 Evidence-Based Critical Care: A Case Study Approach, 51 - 56.ChapterDiagnosis and Management of Tricyclic Antidepressant Ingestion
Overbeek D, Shaffer RW. 2020 Evidence-Based Critical Care: A Case Study Approach, 57 - 62.ChapterManagement of Beta Blocker and Calcium Channel Blocker Toxicity
Lam V, Shaffer RW. 2020 Evidence-Based Critical Care: A Case Study Approach, 63 - 69.ChapterManagement of Sympathomimetic Overdose Including Designer Drugs
Shaffer RW, Santen S. 2019 Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide,ChapterAcquired Bleeding Disorders
Hess R, Shaffer RW. MCEP News and Views, 2017 Dec 1; Nov/Dec:Additional ScholarshipAn Unusual Cause of Jaundice After an Acetaminophen Overdose
Brent CM, Shaffer RW. 2017 May 30; Evidence-Based Critical Care: A Case Study Approach, 73 - 81.ChapterDiagnosis and management of ethylene glycol ingestion