Christian R Burgess
Assistant Professor of Molecular and Integrative Physiology
Research Assistant Professor
Michigan Neuroscience Institute
Michigan Neuroscience Institute
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
[email protected]

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Christian R Burgess
Research Assistant Professor
  • About
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  • Research Overview
  • Recent Publications
  • About

    The Burgess lab investigates how learning, as well as changes in motivational and arousal state, impacts how we process the sensory environment. Using neuroanatomical tracing, behavior, optogenetics, and in vivo two-photon calcium imaging in mice, we aim to map the circuits that underlie fundamental behaviors, like sleep and feeding, and elucidate how these circuits impact learning and sensory processing in higher-order brain regions.

    • Lab website
    • Postdoctoral fellow
      Harvard Medical School, Boston, 2017
    • PhD
      University of Toronto, Toronto, 2012
    • BSc
      University of Toronto, Toronto, 2005
    Center Memberships
    • Center Member
      Caswell Diabetes Institute
    Research Overview

    Neuroscience; Sleep; Feeding; Sensory processing; Narcolepsy; Lateral hypothalamus

    Recent Publications See All Publications
    • Journal Article
      Inhibition of Dopamine Neurons Prevents Incentive Value Encoding of a Reward Cue: With Revelations from Deep Phenotyping.
      Iglesias AG, Chiu AS, Wong J, Campus P, Li F, Liu ZN, Bhatti JK, Patel SA, Deisseroth K, Akil H, Burgess CR, Flagel SB. J Neurosci, 2023 Nov 1; 43 (44): 7376 - 7392. DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0848-23.2023
      PMID: 37709540
    • Journal Article
      Dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens promotes REM sleep and cataplexy.
      Toth BA, Chang KS, Fechtali S, Burgess CR. iScience, 2023 Sep 15; 26 (9): 107613 DOI:10.1016/j.isci.2023.107613
      PMID: 37664637
    • Journal Article
      The melanin-concentrating hormone system as a target for the treatment of sleep disorders.
      Potter LE, Burgess CR. Front Neurosci, 2022 16: 952275 DOI:10.3389/fnins.2022.952275
      PMID: 36177357
    • Journal Article
      Catching Up on REMs.
      Burgess CR, Scammell TE. N Engl J Med, 2022 May 19; 386 (20): 1950 - 1952. DOI:10.1056/NEJMcibr2203101
      PMID: 35584160
    • Journal Article
      Visual association cortex links cues with conjunctions of reward and locomotor contexts.
      McGuire KL, Amsalem O, Sugden AU, Ramesh RN, Fernando J, Burgess CR, Andermann ML. Curr Biol, 2022 Apr 11; 32 (7): 1563 - 1576.e8. DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2022.02.028
      PMID: 35245458
    • Journal Article
      Intermingled Ensembles in Visual Association Cortex Encode Stimulus Identity or Predicted Outcome.
      Ramesh RN, Burgess CR, Sugden AU, Gyetvan M, Andermann ML. Neuron, 2018 Nov 21; 100 (4): 900 - 915.e9. DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2018.09.024
      PMID: 30318413
    • Journal Article
      Dynamic GABAergic afferent modulation of AgRP neurons.
      Garfield AS, Shah BP, Burgess CR, Li MM, Li C, Steger JS, Madara JC, Campbell JN, Kroeger D, Scammell TE, Tannous BA, Myers MG, Andermann ML, Krashes MJ, Lowell BB. Nat Neurosci, 2016 Dec; 19 (12): 1628 - 1635. DOI:10.1038/nn.4392
      PMID: 27643429
    • Journal Article
      Fast neurotransmitter identity of MCH neurons: Do contents depend on context?
      Beekly BG, Rupp A, Burgess CR, Elias CF. Front Neuroendocrinol, 2023 Jul; 70: 101069 DOI:10.1016/j.yfrne.2023.101069
      PMID: 37149229
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