Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
[email protected]
Available to mentor
Samantha Hauff, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
MDUniversity of Washington School of Medicine, A-300 Health Sciences Building, 2005
BAPomona College, Claremont, 2001
Sozener CB, Lypson ML, House JB, Hopson LR, Dooley-Hash SL, Hauff S, Eddy M, Fischer JP, Santen SA. Acad Med, 2016 May; 91 (5): 676 - 684.Journal ArticleReporting Achievement of Medical Student Milestones to Residency Program Directors: An Educational Handover.
DOI:10.1097/ACM.0000000000000953 PMID: 26488570 -
Perry M, Hopson L, House JB, Fischer JP, Dooley-Hash S, Hauff S, Wolff MS, Sozener C, Nypaver M, Moll J, Losman ED, Carney M, Santen SA. West J Emerg Med, 2015 Nov; 16 (6): 947 - 951.Journal ArticleModel for Developing Educational Research Productivity: The Medical Education Research Group.
DOI:10.5811/westjem.2015.9.27306 PMID: 26594297 -
2014PresentationIs the Patient Safe? Assessing Procedural Competency
Santen SA, Rademacher N, Heron SL, Khandelwal S, Hauff S, Hopson L. Acad Emerg Med, 2013 Jul; 20 (7): 736 - 739.Proceeding / Abstract / PosterHow competent are emergency medicine interns for level 1 milestones: who is responsible?
DOI:10.1111/acem.12162 PMID: 23859588 -
Hauff SR, Hopson LR, Losman E, Perry MA, Lypson ML, Fischer J, Santen SA. Acad Emerg Med, 2014 Jun; 21 (6): 694 - 698.Journal ArticleProgrammatic assessment of level 1 milestones in incoming interns.
DOI:10.1111/acem.12393 PMID: 25039555 -
Kowalenko T, Hauff SR, Morden PC, Smith B. West J Emerg Med, 2012 Nov; 13 (5): 429 - 433.Journal ArticleDevelopment of a Data Collection Instrument for Violent Patient Encounters against Healthcare Workers.
DOI:10.5811/westjem.2011.12.6795 PMID: 23358263 -
Cunningham R, Walton MA, Weber JE, O'Broin S, Tripathi SP, Maio RF, Booth BM. Ann Emerg Med, 2009 Mar; 53 (3): 310 - 320.Journal ArticleOne-year medical outcomes and emergency department recidivism after emergency department observation for cocaine-associated chest pain.
DOI:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2008.07.018 PMID: 18824277 -
Cunningham R, Walton M, Weber J, O'Broin S, Tripathi S, Maio R, Booth B. Annals of Emergency Medicine., 2009 Jan 1; 53 (3):Journal ArticleOne-Year Medical Outcomes and Emergency Department Recidivism Following Emergency Department Observation for Cocaine-Associated Chest Pain