Hallie C Prescott, MD, MSc
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Ann Arbor
48109, United States
[email protected]

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Hallie C Prescott, MD, MSc
Associate Professor
  • About
  • Qualifications
  • Center Memberships
  • Research Overview
  • Recent Publications
  • About

    Dr. Hallie Prescott is an Associate Professor in Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine at the University of Michigan and a staff physician the Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Healthcare System. She completed pulmonary/critical care fellowship training in 2014 and currently attends in the Ann Arbor VA outpatient pulmonary clinic and medical intensive care unit, as well as in the Critical Care Medicine Unit at Michigan Medicine. She has a master’s degree in healthcare research, with broad methodological expertise in quantitative, qualitative, and survey research methods. The primary focus of her research program has been on sepsis care and outcomes. She serves as co-chair of the international Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines and leads the Michigan Hospital Medicine Safety Consortium’s Sepsis Initiative. Dr. Prescott’s research contributions have been recognized by awards from American Thoracic Society, American Society of Clinical Innovation, Australia/New Zealand Intensive Care Society, and the Carol A. Kauffman MD Department of Internal Medicine Early Career Endowment Award (2019-2024) from the University of Michigan.

    • MSc, Healthcare Research
      University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2014
    • MD
      The Ohio State University, Columbus, 2007
    • BA
      Middlebury College, Middlebury, 2003
    Center Memberships
    • Center Member
      Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care
    • Center Member
      Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation
    Research Overview

    Dr. Hallie Prescott's research focuses on the measurement, management, and outcomes of sepsis.

    Recent Publications See All Publications
    • Journal Article
      Reframing sepsis immunobiology for translation: towards informative subtyping and targeted immunomodulatory therapies.
      Shankar-Hari M, Calandra T, Soares MP, Bauer M, Wiersinga WJ, Prescott HC, Knight JC, Baillie KJ, Bos LDJ, Derde LPG, Finfer S, Hotchkiss RS, Marshall J, Openshaw PJM, Seymour CW, Venet F, Vincent J-L, Le Tourneau C, Maitland-van der Zee AH, McInnes IB, van der Poll T. Lancet Respir Med, 2024 Feb 23; DOI:10.1016/S2213-2600(23)00468-X
      PMID: 38408467
    • Journal Article
      Heterogeneity of Benefit from Earlier Time-to-Antibiotics for Sepsis.
      Hechtman RK, Kipnis P, Cano J, Seelye S, Liu VX, Prescott HC. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2024 Jan 23; DOI:10.1164/rccm.202310-1800OC
      PMID: 38261986
    • Journal Article
      Higher versus lower oxygenation targets in adult ICU patients: A rapid practice guideline.
      Møller MH, Granholm A, Al Duhailib Z, Alhazzani W, Belley-Cote E, Oczkowski S, Vijayaraghavan BKT, Sjövall F, Butler E, Zampieri FG, Mac Sweeney R, Derde LPG, Ruzycki-Chadwick A, Mer M, Burns KEA, Ergan B, Al-Fares A, Sjoding MW, Valley TS, Rasmussen BS, Schjørring OL, Prescott HC. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 2024 Mar; 68 (3): 302 - 310. DOI:10.1111/aas.14366
      PMID: 38140827
    • Journal Article
      Temporal Trends in Mortality of Critically Ill Patients with Sepsis in the United Kingdom, 1988-2019.
      Prescott HC, Harrison DA, Rowan KM, Shankar-Hari M, Wunsch H. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2024 Mar 1; 209 (5): 507 - 516. DOI:10.1164/rccm.202309-1636OC
      PMID: 38259190
    • Journal Article
      Context and Implications of the New Pediatric Sepsis Criteria.
      Carlton EF, Perry-Eaddy MA, Prescott HC. JAMA, 2024 Feb 27; 331 (8): 646 - 649. DOI:10.1001/jama.2023.27979
      PMID: 38245890
    • Presentation
      NATIONAL: "HMS Sepsis: How a State-wide Quality Collaborative drives Performance Improvement and Collaboration"
      Prescott H. 2024 Feb 1;
    • Journal Article
      Surviving Sepsis Campaign Research Priorities 2023.
      De Backer D, Deutschman CS, Hellman J, Myatra SN, Ostermann M, Prescott HC, Talmor D, Antonelli M, Pontes Azevedo LC, Bauer SR, Kissoon N, Loeches I-M, Nunnally M, Tissieres P, Vieillard-Baron A, Coopersmith CM, Surviving Sepsis Campaign Research Committee . Crit Care Med, 2024 Feb 1; 52 (2): 268 - 296. DOI:10.1097/CCM.0000000000006135
      PMID: 38240508
    • Presentation
      NATIONAL: 1. "Implementation Sciences: Caring for patients with sepsis at bedside"; 2. "CON: Steroids should be used only for selected patients with ARDS or severe pneumonia"
      Prescott H. 2024 Jan 20;
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