Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
[email protected]
Available to mentor
Thomas Schmidt, PhD
PhDOhio State University, Columbus, 1985
MSOhio State University, Columbus, 1981
BSUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1978
Center MemberRogel Cancer Center
Kuffa P, Pickard JM, Campbell A, Yamashita M, Schaus SR, Martens EC, Schmidt TM, Inohara N, Núñez G, Caruso R. Cell Host Microbe, 2023 Dec 13; 31 (12): 2007 - 2022.e12.Journal ArticleFiber-deficient diet inhibits colitis through the regulation of the niche and metabolism of a gut pathobiont.
DOI:10.1016/j.chom.2023.10.016 PMID: 37967555 -
Campbell A, Gdanetz K, Schmidt AW, Schmidt TM. Microbiome, 2023 Jun 15; 11 (1): 133Journal ArticleH2 generated by fermentation in the human gut microbiome influences metabolism and competitive fitness of gut butyrate producers.
DOI:10.1186/s40168-023-01565-3 PMID: 37322527 -
Bradshaw L, Vernon J, Schmidt T, James T, Zhang J, Archbold H, Cadigan K, Wolfe JP, Goldberg D. J Microbiol Biol Educ, 2023 Dec; 24 (3):Journal ArticleInfluence of CUREs on STEM retention depends on demographic identities.
DOI:10.1128/jmbe.00225-22 PMID: 38108006 -
Medeiros MCD, The S, Bellile E, Russo N, Schmitd L, Danella E, Singh P, Banerjee R, Bassis C, Murphy GR, Sartor MA, Lombaert I, Schmidt TM, Eisbruch A, Murdoch-Kinch CA, Rozek L, Wolf GT, Li G, Chen GY, D’Silva NJ. Microbiome, 2023 Dec 1; 11 (1):Journal ArticleSalivary microbiome changes distinguish response to chemoradiotherapy in patients with oral cancer
DOI:10.1186/s40168-023-01677-w -
Medeiros MCD, The S, Bellile E, Russo N, Schmitd L, Danella E, Singh P, Banerjee R, Bassis C, Murphy GR, Sartor MA, Lombaert I, Schmidt TM, Eisbruch A, Murdoch-Kinch CA, Rozek L, Wolf GT, Li G, Chen GY, D'Silva NJ. Microbiome, 2023 Nov 30; 11 (1): 268Journal ArticleSalivary microbiome changes distinguish response to chemoradiotherapy in patients with oral cancer.
DOI:10.1186/s40168-023-01677-w PMID: 38037123 -
Riwes MM, Golob JL, Magenau J, Shan M, Dick G, Braun T, Schmidt TM, Pawarode A, Anand S, Ghosh M, Maciejewski J, King D, Choi S, Yanik G, Geer M, Hillman E, Lyssiotis CA, Tewari M, Reddy P. Nat Med, 2023 Nov; 29 (11): 2805 - 2813.Journal ArticleFeasibility of a dietary intervention to modify gut microbial metabolism in patients with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
DOI:10.1038/s41591-023-02587-y PMID: 37857710 -
Pereira GV, Boudaud M, Wolter M, Alexander C, De Sciscio A, Grant ET, Trindade BC, Pudlo NA, Singh S, Campbell A, Shan M, Zhang L, Willieme S, Kim K, Denike-Duval T, Bleich A, Schmidt TM, Kennedy L, Lyssiotis CA, Chen GY, Eaton KA, Desai MS, Martens EC. 2023 Mar 13;PreprintUnravelling specific diet and gut microbial contributions to inflammatory bowel disease.
DOI:10.21203/ PMID: 36993463 -
Seike K, Kiledal A, Fujiwara H, Henig I, Burgos da Silva M, van den Brink MRM, Hein R, Hoostal M, Liu C, Oravecz-Wilson K, Lauder E, Li L, Sun Y, Schmidt TM, Shah YM, Jenq RR, Dick G, Reddy P. Immunity, 2023 Feb 14; 56 (2): 353 - 368.e6.Journal ArticleAmbient oxygen levels regulate intestinal dysbiosis and GVHD severity after allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
DOI:10.1016/j.immuni.2023.01.007 PMID: 36736321
Department News
Dr. Campbell defended his dissertation