The scariest part of Halloween this year was fitting in that Psychiatry final exam into the last remaining hours of a fun weekend. The motivation was not really anywhere to be found but our one-week crash course in Psychiatry is over just as fast as it began. Now for the next three weeks we'll be cruising around the brain making stops at all kinds of places and learning about all sorts of pathology. Oh and by the way, the Deadmau5 concert on Monday was amazing! As a med student it is definitely unusual to go out on a Monday, but it was definitely worth it. I uploaded a little picture for your reference (Deadmau5 is the dude in the middle wearing the mouse hat). I'm also inspired to reacquaint myself yet again with my ProTools software to lay down some tracks of my own. I certainly miss the amount time I used to spend creating and playing music but that shift in my time is just one of the realities of being a med student. But three more weeks and it's Thanksgiving so hopefully I'll have some time to unwind a bit. Stay tuned!
Department of Communication at Michigan Medicine
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