Dose of Reality
Over the past week, I've been taking advantage of a flexible fourth-year schedule to be in San Diego, CA for the American Medical Association (AMA) 2019 Interim Meeting. This year, I serve as the stud...
Dose of Reality
During the last term semester for my dual-degree program at the Ross School of Business, I worked as a student consultant for Dexcom, a company based in San Diego that makes continuous glucose monitors (CGM). This engagement was a part of the Michigan Ross Multidisciplinary Action Project (MAP) course.
Dose of Reality
At first glance, it may not seem that increased access to identification cards for homeless individuals, front-of-packaging labels on food products, and accountability in reporting for Medicaid waiver...
Dose of Reality
As a clinical student, sometimes the days are long but the weeks and months seem to just zip by. It is hard to believe that it is already fall, and harder still because we had a 80-degree day here in ...
Dose of Reality
This is my first week as a clinical student! It's exciting to start my first clerkship â obstetrics and gynecology. It was a little bit nerve-racking to be given a schedule for the month on the f...
Dose of Reality
Twice a year, I am amazed by the talent and grace (and silliness) of my classmates in our medical school dance show -- Biorhythms.
Dose of Reality
Another semester of medical school in the books! It's hard to believe that my class will be on the wards in just over two months! I really felt like I hit a studying groove in M2 year more so than las...
Dose of Reality
As you might imagine, attending a health policy conference (AMA Interim Meeting) two days after a Presidential election was quite a whirlwind! The workshop that my committee coordinated on post-electi...
Dose of Reality
In June, I travelled to Nashville, TN with a group of high school students for the HOSA International Leadership Conference. I loved interacting with students who are interested in medical fields, ...
Dose of Reality
Earlier this month, a group of UMMS students travelled to Chicago, IL for the AMA Annual Meeting as delegates from our school to the medical student section.
Dose of Reality
It really felt like Spring Break could not have come at a more opportune time. Many of my classmates, including myself, were ready for a change after our unit on the central nervous system. The brain ...
Dose of Reality
In my last post, I promised an update on the advocacy efforts of our student chapter of the AMA, and I have many developments to report! In February, we hosted a seminar where students had the opportu...
Dose of Reality
Today Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha spoke at the School of Public Health on the Flint water crisis. I walked in thinking that I may leave feeling more discouraged than uplifted, given the gravity of the situ...
Dose of Reality
Today, we [M1s] attended a panel with four incredible women who told their stories of being patients or caregivers. In the hospital, at first glance, what we may see is an ill woman wearing an uncomfo...
Dose of Reality
Medical school is full of "firsts." First organ-based sequence (cardio/respiratory) â check! First time taking a history for a standardized patient â check. And now, first health policy conf...