Scott Pletcher, PhD
William H Howell Collegiate Professor of Physiology
Professor of Molecular and Integrative Physiology
Research Professor, Institute of Gerontology
[email protected]

Available to mentor

Scott Pletcher, PhD
  • Center Memberships
  • Recent Publications
  • Center Memberships
    • Center Member
      Caswell Diabetes Institute
    • Center Member
      Samuel and Jean Frankel Cardiovascular Center
    Recent Publications See All Publications
    • Journal Article
      Behavioral dissection of hunger states in Drosophila
      Weaver KJ, Raju S, Rucker RA, Chakraborty T, Holt RA, Pletcher SD. eLife, 12: DOI:10.7554/elife.84537.3
    • Journal Article
      Effects of hunger on neuronal histone modifications slow aging in Drosophila.
      Weaver KJ, Holt RA, Henry E, Lyu Y, Pletcher SD. Science, 2023 May 12; 380 (6645): 625 - 632. DOI:10.1126/science.ade1662
      PMID: 37167393
    • Journal Article
      Behavioral dissection of hunger states in Drosophila.
      Weaver KJ, Raju S, Rucker RA, Chakraborty T, Holt RA, Pletcher SD. Elife, 2023 Jun 16; 12: DOI:10.7554/eLife.84537
      PMID: 37326496
    • Journal Article
      Light modulates Drosophila lifespan via perceptual systems independent of circadian rhythms.
      Johnson JC, Munneke AS, Richardson HM, Gendron CM, Pletcher SD. Aging (Albany NY), 2023 Jan 6; 15 (2): 396 - 420. DOI:10.18632/aging.204472
      PMID: 36622279
    • Journal Article
      The neuropeptide drosulfakinin enhances choosiness and protects males from the aging effects of social perception.
      Fedina TY, Cummins ET, Promislow DEL, Pletcher SD. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2023 Dec 19; 120 (51): e2308305120 DOI:10.1073/pnas.2308305120
      PMID: 38079545
    • Journal Article
      Lifespan extension in female mice by early, transient exposure to adult female olfactory cues.
      Garratt M, Erturk I, Alonzo R, Zufall F, Leinders-Zufall T, Pletcher SD, Miller RA. Elife, 2022 Dec 16; 11: DOI:10.7554/eLife.84060
      PMID: 36525360
    • Preprint
      Lifespan Extension in Female Mice By Early, Transient Exposure to Adult Female Olfactory Cues
      Garratt M, Erturk I, Alonzo R, Zufall F, Leinders-Zufall T, Pletcher SD, Miller RA. bioRxiv, DOI:10.1101/2022.10.07.511218
    • Journal Article
      Serotonin and dopamine modulate aging in response to food odor and availability.
      Miller HA, Huang S, Dean ES, Schaller ML, Tuckowski AM, Munneke AS, Beydoun S, Pletcher SD, Leiser SF. Nat Commun, 2022 Jun 7; 13 (1): 3271 DOI:10.1038/s41467-022-30869-5
      PMID: 35672307