Hi everyone! Wow has it been a while. A very late happy new year to you!
We hit the ground running when we came back to school on January 5th. It was somewhat difficult to get back into the swing of school, especially when we were so excited to see each other again after the break. We jumped right into a 3-week gastrointestinal (GI) block that involved some pretty cool dissections and a lot of biochemistry. Now, I can't help but think of exactly what happens to the food I eat…
Speaking of food, Restaurant Week was the week of January 18th. Restaurant Week is when a lot of the restaurants in downtown Ann Arbor have really great specials as a way to allow townies and visitors alike to try something new. I went to a restaurant that serves tapas, and everything was delicious.
I also celebrated my birthday with some nice surprises from some of my classmates and a few friends from grad school. One of the surprises was birthday cake, which I definitely wasn't expecting.
Last weekend, I went to the Biorhythms show. Biorhythms is the med student-run dance show that happens twice a year. I have to say that I am always surprised by how many hidden talents UMMS students have. There was singing, dancing, and a whole lot of silliness. I think I may have been convinced to participate in the spring show.
Finally, SECOND LOOK WEEKEND! M0s—get excited! Your current M1 class is working hard to plan the best Second Look Weekend ever, and we are SO excited to have you all back in April! I'm one of the clinic visit co-chairs for Diversity and Health Equity Day, and we have some great things planned for you. We hope to see you in April!
For now, it's back to our new sequence Endocrine and Reproduction. Thanks for reading, and until next time, Go Blue!
Department of Communication at Michigan Medicine
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