Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
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Available to mentor
Brittany B Allen
Clinical Assistant Professor
Rao A, Heidemann LA, Hartley S, Morgan HK, Gruppen LD, Huey A, Sieloff KM, Allen BB, Kempner S. Clin Teach, 2024 Feb; 21 (1): e13630Journal ArticleThe power of written word: Reflection reduces errors of omission.
DOI:10.1111/tct.13630 PMID: 37632215 -
B Allen B, H Schiller J, J Roberts S, G Allen S, K Morgan H, Malone A. J Interprof Care, 2023 37 (3): 392 - 399.Journal ArticleCollaboration in interprofessional teams: A needs assessment of factors that impact new resident physicians.
DOI:10.1080/13561820.2022.2094902 PMID: 35880787 -
Jones EK, Morgan HK, Allen BB, Fitzgerald JT, Hughes DT, Mack JA, Malone A, Peterson WJ, Schiller JH, Heidemann LA. J Interprof Care, 2022 36 (6): 941 - 945.Journal ArticleInterprofessional experiences to bridge the medical school to residency transition: a pilot program.
DOI:10.1080/13561820.2021.1990229 PMID: 34757858 -
Jones E, Morgan H, Allen B, Fitzgerald JT, Hughes D, Mack J, Malone A, Peterson W, Schiller J, Heidemann L. Journal of Interprofessional Education, 2021 Nov 10; 941 - 945.Journal ArticleInterprofessional Experiences to Bridge the Medical School to Residency Transition: A Pilot Program
DOI:10.1080/13561820.2021.1990229 -
Shaw R, Foo K, Levy K, Spindler D, Malakh M, Allen B. 2021 Aug 5;Presentation"The Unwell Well Newborn"
2021 Aug 1;PresentationThe Unwell "Well" Newborn
Heidemann LA, Schiller JH, Allen B, Hughes DT, Fitzgerald JT, Morgan HK. Clin Teach, 2021 Jun; 18 (3): 280 - 284.Journal ArticleStudent Perceptions of educational handovers.
DOI:10.1111/tct.13327 PMID: 33465836 -
Rao A, Heidemann L, Morgan H, Fitzgerald J, Allen B, Schiller J, Kempner S. Acad Pediatr, 2021 21 (7): 1297 - 1299.Journal ArticleImproving Interprofessional Communication Skills for Senior Medical Students Pursuing Pediatrics.
DOI:10.1016/j.acap.2021.04.032 PMID: 33991714