Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
[email protected]
Available to mentor
Rebecca Lusk
Clinical Assistant Professor
Cawood CD, Bennett DC, Lusk RK, Lass ANS, Christ NM, Sholander LE, Sexton MB. J Psychiatr Res, 2023 Jan; 157: 127 - 131.Journal ArticleCharacteristics associated with non-suicidal self-injury among veterans seeking military sexual trauma-related mental healthcare.
DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.11.006 PMID: 36463627 -
Nelson SM, Cawood CD, Suzuki T, Chapman E, Lusk R. 2022 Jan 1; Personality disorders and pathology: Integrating clinical assessment and practice in the DSM-5 and ICD-11 era., 259 - 280.ChapterDialectical behavior psychotherapy.
DOI:10.1037/0000310-012 -
2020 Aug 1;PresentationStudent Association for Military Psychology, Prospective Military Psychologist Panel Discussion
Sexton MB, Davis MT, Lusk RK, Lyubkin M, Chermack ST. Psychiatry Res, 2019 Feb; 272: 638 - 642.Journal ArticleA factor analytic evaluation of the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 among veterans presenting to a generalist mental health clinic.
DOI:10.1016/j.psychres.2019.01.008 PMID: 30616134 -
Nelson CB, Lusk R, Cawood C, Boore L, Ranganathan A, Lyubkin M. Psychol Serv, 2019 Aug; 16 (3): 381 - 387.Journal ArticlePredictors of CBT-pretreatment intervention engagement and completion: Evidence for peer support.
DOI:10.1037/ser0000268 PMID: 30382747 -
Lusk R, Peterson AR. The Navy Psychologist, 2017 Dec 1; 9 (2): 8 - 10.Journal ArticleHaven't had enough Navy? GTMO!
Lusk R, Lyubkin M, Chermack ST, Sanborn ML, Bowersox NW. Psychotherapy (Chic), 2016 Dec; 53 (4): 424 - 432.Journal ArticleQuasi-experimental evaluation of the impact of a cognitive behavioral pretreatment intervention for veterans seeking psychotherapy.
DOI:10.1037/pst0000088 PMID: 27918190 -
2015 Oct 1;PresentationWhat is DBT?