Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
[email protected]
Available to mentor
Erin R Smith
Clinical Assistant Professor
Sexton MB, Cochran HM, Schubert JR, Gorin HM, Paulson JL, Boyd MR, Porter KE, Smith ER. Cogn Behav Ther, 2024 Feb 6; 1 - 13.Journal ArticleTrauma-focused therapy retention among military sexual trauma survivors: relationship with veterans' sexual or gender minority identification.
DOI:10.1080/16506073.2024.2313740 PMID: 38317621 -
Meis LA, Glynn SM, Spoont MR, Kehle-Forbes SM, Nelson D, Isenhart CE, Eftekhari A, Ackland PE, Linden EB, Orazem RJ, Cutting A, Hagel Campbell EM, Astin MC, Porter KE, Smith E, Chuick CD, Lamp KE, Vuper TC, Oakley TA, Khan LB, Keckeisen SK, Polusny MA. Trials, 2022 Mar 30; 23 (1): 243Journal ArticleCan families help veterans get more from PTSD treatment? A randomized clinical trial examining Prolonged Exposure with and without family involvement.
DOI:10.1186/s13063-022-06183-2 PMID: 35354481 -
Sripada RK, Rodriguez JL, Wright TP, Hyland JA, Walters HM, Ganoczy D, Haft SM, Smith ER, Porter KE, Driesenga SA, DeJong TM, Rauch SAM. Behav Ther, 2022 Jul; 53 (4): 714 - 724.Journal ArticleFeasibility and Acceptability of Group-Facilitated Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD in VA Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Programs.
DOI:10.1016/j.beth.2022.02.004 PMID: 35697433 -
Rauch SAM, Kim HM, Venners MR, Porter KE, Norman SB, Simon NM, Rothbaum BO, Tuerk PW, Acierno RE, Bui E, Powell C, Smith ER, Goetter E, McSweeney LB. J Trauma Stress, 2022 Apr; 35 (2): 496 - 507.Journal ArticleChange in posttraumatic stress disorder-related thoughts during treatment: Do thoughts drive change when pills are involved?
DOI:10.1002/jts.22762 PMID: 34973039 -
Porter KE, Kane NS, Smith ER, Cochran HM, Lyubkin M, Sexton MB. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 2022 Jan 1; 53 (5): 477 - 482.Journal ArticleDifferences in Mental Health Care Service Utilization in Older Veterans With a History of Military Sexual Trauma
DOI:10.1037/pro0000460 -
Jones KRS, Rauch SAM, Smith ER, Sherrill AM, Eftekhari A. 2021 Jan 1; Addressing moral injury in clinical practice., 123 - 141.ChapterMoral injury, posttraumatic stress disorder, and prolonged exposure.
DOI:10.1037/0000204-008 -
Valentine LM, Donofry SD, Broman RB, Smith ER, Rauch SA, Sexton MB. J Telemed Telecare, 2020 26 (7-8): 443 - 451.Journal ArticleComparing PTSD treatment retention among survivors of military sexual trauma utilizing clinical video technology and in-person approaches.
DOI:10.1177/1357633X19832419 PMID: 30975048 -
Rauch SAM, Rothbaum BO, Smith ER, Foa EB. 2020 Jul; Prolonged Exposure for PTSD in Intensive Outpatient Programs (PE-IOP), 89 - 92.ChapterCase Management