Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine
Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Assistant Medical Director
Medical Director
Available to mentor
Jeffrey Alan Housner, MD, MBA
Clinical Assistant Professor
Dr. Housner is a graduate of the University of Michigan Medical School and completed his residency at the UCLA Medical Center, as well as a sports medicine fellowship at UCLA. He is board-certified in Family Practice and has earned a certificate of added qualification in sports medicine. He treats athletic injuries and illness at MedSport Domino Farms and Brighton Health Center. Dr. Housner has served as a team physician for UCLA, Pepperdine University, Eastern Michigan University, Hillsdale College, and the USA Hockey National Development Team. He is currently a team physician for the University of Michigan Athletic Department.
Housner JA, Donaldson LD. 2021 Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Sports Medicine,ChapterFacial Injuries
Agresta CE, Goulet GC, Peacock J, Housner J, Zernicke RF, Zendler JD. Gait Posture, 2019 May; 70: 376 - 382.Journal ArticleYears of running experience influences stride-to-stride fluctuations and adaptive response during step frequency perturbations in healthy distance runners.
DOI:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2019.02.034 PMID: 30959429 -
Agresta CE, Peacock J, Housner J, Zernicke RF, Zendler JD. Gait Posture, 2018 Mar; 61: 13 - 18.Journal ArticleExperience does not influence injury-related joint kinematics and kinetics in distance runners.
DOI:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.12.020 PMID: 29289028 -
Housner JA, Aagesen AL, Snyder C. 2018Additional ScholarshipFacebook Live Sports Medicine Question and Answer
Housner JA, Donaldson LD. 2018 Jan 1; Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Sports Medicine 5, 603 - 614.ChapterFacial injuries
Arastu A, Agresta C, Housner JA, Zendler J. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 2017 Mar; 27 (2): 193 - 230.Proceeding / Abstract / PosterDetermining the Readiness of Recreational Ultra-Marathon Runners
DOI:10.1097/jsm.0000000000000417 -
Quade L, Housner J. American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, 2016 Online: 1 - 1.Journal ArticleAn Uncommon Cause of Knee Effusion in A Middle-aged Female.
Housner JA. 2015 Oct;PresentationApproach to Hip and Groin Pain