Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
[email protected]
Available to mentor
D Edward Deneke, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Baird MA, Riba M, Lee A, Galvez L, Deneke DE. Companion to Primary Care Mental Health, 116 - 137.ChapterManaging the interface in primary care mental health clinics
DOI:10.1201/9781846198465-9 -
2020 Aug 1;PresentationBehavioral Health: Telehealth Panel for Epic: UGM conference.
2020 Aug 1;PresentationDiagnosing and Treating ADHD in Primary Care
Leplatte D, Marasco S, Warnick SJ, Deneke DE. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord., 2019 Aug 2; 21 (4):Journal ArticleDiagnosis of Neurosyphilis in a Collaborative Care (CoCM) Setting: A Case Report.
LePlatte D, Marasco S, Warnick SJ, Deneke DE. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord, 2019 Aug 1; 21 (4):Journal ArticleDiagnosis of Neurosyphilis in a Collaborative Care Setting.
DOI:10.4088/PCC.18l02399 PMID: 31381846 -
2018 Nov 1;PresentationBipolar Disorder and Atypical Antipsychotics
Valenstein M, Dalack GW, Simoncic T, Metzger K, Deneke DE, Richardson CR, Hopper JA, Rion R, Williams BC, Miller A, Ryan P, Cuson S, McLaughlin M, Spangler K, LePlatte-Ogini D, Baum N, Rheingans C, Udow-Phillips M. Psychiatr Serv, 2016 May 1; 67 (5): 476 - 478.Journal ArticleImplementing the Collaborative Care Model as Part of a Countywide Initiative.
DOI:10.1176/ PMID: 26927581 -
Fluent T, Dalack G, Deneke DE, Krishna R, Surber CW. 2015 Sep;PresentationNavigating Uncharted Waters: Maintaining Educational Excellence in a Rapidly Changing Healthcare Environment (workshop).