Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
[email protected]
Available to mentor
Charles W Surber
Clinical Assistant Professor
Stelmokas J, Cigolle C, Rochette A, Tolle-Fu K, Surber C, Bloor L, Lee P. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 2021 Mar 22; 53:Journal ArticleIntegration of neuropsychological assessment and intervention services into a specialty geriatric medicine clinic
Suzuki J, Ellison TV, Connery HS, Surber C, Renner JA. Acad Psychiatry, 2016 Jun; 40 (3): 498 - 502.Journal ArticleTraining in Buprenorphine and Office-Based Opioid Treatment: A Survey of Psychiatry Residency Training Programs.
DOI:10.1007/s40596-015-0313-1 PMID: 26017618 -
Fromson J, Surber CW, Kim M. 2016 Depression in Medical Illness,ChapterDepression and Endocrine Disease (Accepted for print)
Kroll D, Kalra I, Katz J, Schmelzer N, Surber CW. 2016 Depression in Medical Illness,ChapterDepression and Rheumatological and Immune Disorders (Accepted for print)
2014 Oct 1;PresentationNavigating Uncharted Waters: Maintaining Educational Excellence in a Rapidly Changing Healthcare Environment. (Fluent TE, Dalack GW, Deneke DE, Krishna R, Surber CW)
2013 Nov 1;PresentationMood Disorders in the Hospitalized Patient
2013 Nov 1;PresentationSearching for, making th most of, and leaving your first job: Career Advice for Early Career Psychosomatic Medicine Psychiatrists. (Park EM, Surber CW, Wong F, Ravindranath D.)
2013 Oct 1;PresentationGrowing Up Fast: Early Career Psychiatrists Aspiring to Become Strong Teachers (Kurtz BP, Meyer FM, Surber CW)