1150 West Medical Center Drive, 6706A Medical Science Building II
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
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Toxoplasma gondii is a highly successful intracellular protozoan parasite that can infect almost all warm-blooded animals and invade all the nucleated cells. Infection with this parasite can cause severe disease in immunocompromised individuals (e.g., HIV/AIDs patients) and fetuses. Given the difference in the genetic background across various hosts, susceptibility to toxoplasmosis and immune response to the parasite varies widely between humans and other animals. In addition, Toxoplasma is genetically tractable and easy to obtain and cultivate in vitro and in vivo. These make the parasite ideal for studying host-pathogen interactions and innate immunity in different cell types and host species.
The Wang lab’s long-term research goals are understanding the innate immune machinery determining Toxoplasma resistance between different hosts and demonstrating the molecular basis of Toxoplasma effector-mediated host immune modulation. Activating such anti-Toxoplasma machinery or inhibiting the immunomodulatory parasite effectors could sensitize the parasite to immune surveillance and lead to a better treatment against Toxoplasma infection in immunocompromised patients. To achieve the goals, Wang lab applies a multifaceted approach, including functional genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, and other biochemical analysis.
Wang Lab
Postdoctoral FellowUniversity of California, Davis, Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology, 2021
PhDHuazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 2015
DVMJilin Agricultural University, Changchun, 2010
Host-pathogen interaction, Toxoplasma gondii, Innate immunity
Wang Y, Hollingsworth LR, Sangaré LO, Paredes-Santos TC, Krishnamurthy S, Penn BH, Wu H, Saeij JPJ. mBio, 2024 Mar 13; 15 (3): e0330223Journal ArticleHost E3 ubiquitin ligase ITCH mediates Toxoplasma gondii effector GRA35-triggered NLRP1 inflammasome activation and cell-autonomous immunity.
DOI:10.1128/mbio.03302-23 PMID: 38376248 -
Wang Y. mSphere, 2023 Aug 24; 8 (4): e0027123Journal ArticlemSphere of Influence: Systemic decoding gene function in Toxoplasma gondii pathogenesis-CRISPR screens and beyond.
DOI:10.1128/msphere.00271-23 PMID: 37382434 -
Paredes-Santos TC, Bitew MA, Swale C, Rodriguez F, Krishnamurthy S, Wang Y, Maru P, Sangaré LO, Saeij JPJ. PLoS Pathog, 2023 Jul; 19 (7): e1011543Journal ArticleGenome-wide CRISPR screen identifies genes synthetically lethal with GRA17, a nutrient channel encoding gene in Toxoplasma.
DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat.1011543 PMID: 37498952 -
Krishnamurthy S, Maru P, Wang Y, Bitew MA, Mukhopadhyay D, Yamaryo-Botté Y, Paredes-Santos TC, Sangaré LO, Swale C, Botté CY, Saeij JPJ. mBio, 2023 Apr 25; 14 (2): e0006023Journal ArticleCRISPR Screens Identify Toxoplasma Genes That Determine Parasite Fitness in Interferon Gamma-Stimulated Human Cells.
DOI:10.1128/mbio.00060-23 PMID: 36916910 -
Sangaré LO, Wang Y, Arranz-Solís D, Saeij JPJ. STAR Protoc, 2021 Jun 18; 2 (2): 100520Journal ArticleCRISPR screen to determine the in vivo fitness of Toxoplasma genes.
DOI:10.1016/j.xpro.2021.100520 PMID: 34013213 -
Wang Y, Sangaré LO, Paredes-Santos TC, Hassan MA, Krishnamurthy S, Furuta AM, Markus BM, Lourido S, Saeij JPJ. Nat Commun, 2020 Oct 16; 11 (1): 5258Journal ArticleGenome-wide screens identify Toxoplasma gondii determinants of parasite fitness in IFNγ-activated murine macrophages.
DOI:10.1038/s41467-020-18991-8 PMID: 33067458 -
Wang Y, Sangaré LO, Paredes-Santos TC, Saeij JPJ. Annual Review of Microbiology, (74): 567 - 567.Journal ArticleToxoplasma Mechanisms for Delivery of Proteins and Uptake of Nutrients Across the Host-Pathogen Interface
DOI:10.1146/annurev-micro-011720-122318 -
Sangaré LO, Ólafsson EB, Wang Y, Yang N, Julien L, Camejo A, Pesavento P, Sidik SM, Lourido S, Barragan A, Saeij JPJ. Cell Host Microbe, 2019 Oct 9; 26 (4): 478 - 492.e8.Journal ArticleIn Vivo CRISPR Screen Identifies TgWIP as a Toxoplasma Modulator of Dendritic Cell Migration.
DOI:10.1016/j.chom.2019.09.008 PMID: 31600500