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Showing 91-105 of 177 results
older person pouring pills into hand close up
Health Lab
Early findings suggest this cancer drug may be effective against advanced tumors caused by genetic mutations
Sparrow Health System, part of University of Michigan Health, experts release findings in a study of a cancer drug for patients with genetic mutations.
Health Lab
Tumor-destroying soundwaves receive FDA approval for liver treatment in humans
Michigan Medicine has developed a new technique that provides a non-invasive alternative to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer.
Health Lab
Hungry for more
Metabolism pathways make tumors sensitive or resistant to treatments. A collaborative group leverages these avenues to explore the growing foundation of new potential therapies
vial of blood with blue background cell floating
Health Lab
Hitting the mark
University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center researchers are unraveling its nuances, advancing enabling technologies, advocating for patients and figuring out how to ethically integrate this technology into clinical care.
Department News
Congratulations to Nafisa Nuzhat
Nafisa (Pearring Lab) successfully defended her thesis.
Department News
New publication from the Pearring Lab
Read a new publication from the Pearring Lab.
Department News
New Publication by Soubhagyalaxmi Jema and Ajit Joglekar
New Publication by Soubhagyalaxmi Jema and Ajit Joglekar
Department News
New publication from Pedro Lowenstein and Maria Castro's labs
Combined cytotoxic and immune-stimulatory gene therapy for primary adult high-grade glioma published in The Lancet Oncology.
Department News
American Association for Anatomy Newsletter Member Spotlight featuring Michael Hortsch
American Association for Anatomy Newsletter Member Spotlight featuring Michael Hortsch
Department News
New publication from Pedro Lowenstein and Maria Castro's labs
New publication from Pedro Lowenstein and Maria Castro's labs
woman outside by water and woman with care team infusion
Health Lab
Immunotherapy saves woman with stage 4 colon cancer
A Michigan Medicine expert describes immunotherapy as “the future of cancer treatment” for those who qualify.
cancer cell
Health Lab
Language barriers in cancer care
Research from experts at Michigan Medicine shows that significant language-based disparities exist in patients’ access to cancer care services, and it’s well before their first appointment with a doctor. 
Health Lab
10 tips for cancer patients heading into their first infusion treatment
Cancer survivors who received treatment at the University of Michigan Health Rogel Cancer Center and infusion nurses demystify the experience by providing 10 helpful things to know ahead of time.
Department News
Developing Future Biologists (DFB) is recruiting new instructors
Developing Future Biologists (DFB) is recruiting new instructors
Department News
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