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person at counter with medicine brown bottle and pills
Health Lab
Most blood thinner dosing problems happen after initial prescription
More than two-thirds of those people take a type of blood thinner called a direct oral anticoagulant. These DOACs, such as rivaroxaban (brand name Xarelto) and apixaban (brand name Eliquis), are under- or over-prescribed in up to one in eight patents. These prescribing issues can have life-threatening consequences, and they most often occur after a provider writes the initial prescription, according to a study led by Michigan Medicine.
man outside blue shirt headphones watch
Health Lab
Physical activity improves early with customized text messages in patients with heart problems
A study found personalized text messages effectively promoted increased physical activity for patients after significant heart events — such as a heart attack or surgery — but those effects later diminished.
Text over image of University of Michigan Health aerial campus
News Release
U-M Health ranked among nation’s best in more specialties than any other Michigan hospital by U.S. News & World Report
University of Michigan Health ranks among the nation’s best hospitals in more specialties than any other Michigan hospital, according to U.S. News and World Report’s Best Hospitals Rankings for 2024-2025.
daughter and dad in hospital room smiling with um shirt held and on right man posing with friend
Health Lab
Complex procedure saves man on life support, reverses organ failure
A specialized procedure saved one man who was on life support in the hospital.
Woman Patient Preparing Surgery Anesthesia
Health Lab
Female heart patients less likely to have additional problems fixed during surgery
Two studies led by Michigan Medicine find that female patients who undergo heart surgery are less likely to have secondary ailments corrected during a procedure — despite guidelines that indicate they should.
woman smiling with man in michigan gear selfie
Health Lab
Getting ahead of aortic disease
Patient bypasses a life threatening aortic aneurysm with the help of Michigan Medicine's genetic counseling and a streamlined cardiac referral program.
heart drawing
Health Lab
New risk equation could mean preventive statins for far fewer Americans
The tool, based on updated information about atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, could mean fewer people would be recommended to take statin medications
apple in hand of doctor with white coat and stethoscope facing frontward, neck down, and green plant with sunlight behind it from window coming through on white windows sill
Health Lab
Fewer than 1 in 4 patients receive dietary counseling after a heart attack
Although diet is the leading contributor to premature death from heart disease in the United States, fewer than one-quarter of people who undergo major heart events receive dietary counseling in the aftermath, a study finds.
mom smiling with 3 kids
Health Lab
Adolescents with heart disease learn resilience skills, connect with peers through unique program
Youth with heart disease enrolled in unique program that teaches resilience and builds connections with their peers
xray on tablet held by clinician in white coat and stethoscope
Health Lab
These factors are linked to a higher risk of pneumonia after heart surgery
Researchers uncovered nine elements that have significant effects on a whether a patient may develop pneumonia, with nearly 20% of patients moving into a higher risk category based on what occurred during or following the surgery.
teal persons body looks like a puzzle red heart top right of shoulder and chest getting placed into missing piece spot
Health Lab
Normothermic perfusion system extends life of organs waiting for transplant
A team of researchers have spent the past eight years looking at better ways to transport organs for donation, specifically hearts, to improve the number of organs that can be used for transplants. They found that using a modified normothermic perfusion system heart preservation was feasible for up to 24 hours.
surgery gloves passing tool blue and yellow
Health Lab
A universal heparin reversal drug is shown effective in mice
The newest version of the heparin reversal drug, described in a recent issue of Advanced Healthcare Materials, adjusted the number of protons bound to it, making the molecule less positive so it would preferentially bind to the highly negative heparin, resulting in a much safer drug.
yellow grey heart black background
Health Lab
Researchers create human aortic aneurysm model to advance disease understanding, treatment testing
Using human cells in an animal body, a team of researchers has developed a functional model of thoracic aortic aneurysm, creating opportunities for more effective understanding of disease development and treatments for the potentially fatal condition.
man smiling with cupcakes glasses
Health Lab
Two heart transplants, one message for organ donation
A patient who has received two heart transplants years apart shares his story and the importance of advocating for organ donation.
Health Lab
Protecting heart health during pregnancy
Experts discuss pregnancy and heart health.