Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine
Available to mentor
Joseph W Norman
Clinical Assistant Professor
Center MemberCenter for Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics
Nataraj N, Ivy JS, Payton FC, Norman J. Health Care Manag Sci, 2018 Dec; 21 (4): 534 - 553.Journal ArticleDiabetes and the hospitalized patient : A cluster analytic framework for characterizing the role of sex, race and comorbidity from 2006 to 2011.
DOI:10.1007/s10729-017-9408-4 PMID: 28735459 -
Tian S, Liu Q, Gnatovskiy L, Ma PX, Wang Z. 2015PresentationHeart Regeneration with Embryonic Cardiac Progenitor Cells and Cardiac Tissue Engineering.
DOI:10.19104/jstb.2015.104 PMID: 26744736 -
2012 Jul 1;PresentationHot buttered conditionals, tangled up in grue: Goodman's riddles solved by parametric probability analysis
2012 Apr 1;PresentationSaving truth from orthodoxy: better logic through algebra, probability, and dynamical systems
2011 Oct 1;PresentationParadox Lost: Solving Famous Problems to Revive Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
2011 Jul 1;Presentation"Undecidability is not a crime: dynamical systems debunk Godel's incompleteness myth"
2010 Mar 1;PresentationParametric Probability for Decision Analysis and Statistics
2008 Oct 1;PresentationCongestive Hospital Failure: Using Physiology to Model Patient Flow