Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
[email protected]
Available to mentor
James M Kane
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor
Bichay T, Kane J, Ebrom P, Chen C. Medical Physics, 2011 Jan 1; 38 (6):Journal ArticleAnalysis of a Non-Invasive Patient Mask Immobilization System for Cranial SRS with Tomotheraphy.
Bichay T, Kane J, Ebrom P, Chen C. Medical Physics, 2011 Jan 1; 38 (6): 3616Proceeding / Abstract / PosterSU‐E‐T‐551: Analysis of a Non‐Invasive Patient Mask Immobilization System for Cranial SRS with TomoTherapy
DOI:10.1118/1.3612513 -
Bichy T, Chen C, Kane J, Davis S, Klafeta S, Meadows J. 2007 14: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006,ChapterTomotherapy for cranial radiosurgery/radiotherapy.
1991 Jan 1;PresentationPreliminary report of fractionated amylase levels in head and neck radiation therapy patients with presentation of a possible model for the "salivarectomized" human.
1991 Jan 1;PresentationThe stereotatic radiosurgery experience at University Hospitals of Cleveland. Presentation at the Ohio State Radiologic Society Meeting.
Padula GDA, Kane J, Kent N, Gates B, Crompton N, Hat R. J Clin. Oncol, 2008 Jan 1; 26 (1):Proceeding / Abstract / PosterCorrelations between post-therapy radiation induced pattern physiology and T-lymphocyte sensitivity.
Chun P, Padula GDA, Rolibar MH, He JP, Kane J, Wilkinson CM. J Clin. Oncol., 2005 Jan 1; 23:Proceeding / Abstract / PosterNormalization of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer.
Bichy T, Kane J, Klafeta S, Chen C. 2005 Jan 1;Proceeding / Abstract / PosterThe use of cranially-implanted gold fiducials to improve treatment set-up accuracy in cranial tomotheraphy cases.