Clinical Assistant Professor Emerita of Internal Medicine
Clinical Assistant Professor Emerita of Pediatrics
[email protected]
Available to mentor
Linda M Balogh
Clinical Assistant Professor Emeritus/a
Hafez D, McMahon LF, Jr Balogh L, Brinley FJ, 3rd Crump J, Ealovega M, Fan A, Kwok Y, Krieger K, O'Connor T, Ostafin E, Reichert H, Meddings J. Am J Manag Care, 2018 Mar 1; 24 (3): 106 - 119.Journal ArticleAmbulatory Care-sensitive Emergency Visits Among Patients with Medical Home Access
Annesley T, Matz K, Balogh L, Clayton L, Giacherio D. Clin Chem, 1986 Jul; 32 (7): 1407 - 1409.Journal ArticleLiquid-chromatographic analysis for cyclosporine with use of a microbore column and small sample volume.
PMID: 3719953