Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
[email protected]
Available to mentor
Omer Berenfeld
Our main area of research is cardiac electrophysiology with focus on impulse generation and propagation. We employ computational, experimental and clinical approaches to achieve better understanding and treatment of complex arrhythmias such as ventricular and atrial fibrillation. We also develop new photonic technologies to better study heart electromechanical function in vivo and in patients.
Center MemberSamuel and Jean Frankel Cardiovascular Center
Raza D, Siddiqui S, Kalla I, Mondragon R, Olaiya O, Anderson E, Isom LL, Berenfeld O, Anumonwo JM. Biophysical Journal, 2024 Feb; 123 (3): 388aJournal ArticleDlg1 gene expression and sexual dimorphism in regulation of heart rate and its variability in a murine model
DOI:10.1016/j.bpj.2023.11.2358 -
Lopez-Medina AI, Campos-Staffico AM, A Chahal CA, Volkers I, Jacoby JP, Berenfeld O, Luzum JA. Pharmacogenomics, 2024 Feb; 25 (3): 117 - 131.Journal ArticleGenetic risk factors for drug-induced long QT syndrome: findings from a large real-world case-control study.
DOI:10.2217/pgs-2023-0229 PMID: 38506312 -
Nunez J, Levi B, Hong J, Carlson D, Huebinger R, Chan R, Wan B, Mironov S, Mandell S, Goverman J, Akarichi C, Berenfeld O, Arnoldo B, Clark A. Journal of Burn Care & Research, 2023 May 15; 44 (Supplement_2): s37 - s37.Journal Article72 Multi-Spectral SWIR Imaging in Humans Reveals Correlations with Distinct Skin Burn Depths
DOI:10.1093/jbcr/irad045.046 -
Berenfeld O, Corino V, Loewe A, Martínez JP, Rodriguez Matas JF. Front Physiol, 2023 14: 1209458Journal ArticleEditorial: Atrial Fibrillation: Technologies for Investigation, Monitoring and Treatment, Volume II.
DOI:10.3389/fphys.2023.1209458 PMID: 37215176 -
Owusu-Mensah A, Berenfeld O, Audette M. Annu Model Simul Conf ANNSIM, 2023 May; 2023: 393 - 401.Proceeding / Abstract / PosterELUCIDATING THE ROLE OF THE HIS-PURKINJE SYSTEM DURING LONG QT MEDIATED ARRHYTHMIAS.
PMID: 38074526 -
Melgarejo-Meseguer FM, Roman-Roman A, Gimeno-Blanes J, Munoz-Romero S, Garcia-Alberola A, Sanchez-Munoz JJ, Berenfeld O, Rojo-Alvarez JL. Computing in Cardiology, 2023 Jan 1;Proceeding / Abstract / PosterMulticomponent Organization Analysis in Spatial Domains of Atrial Fibrillation
DOI:10.22489/CinC.2023.199 -
Calvo D, Salinas L, Martinez-Camblor P, Alvarez R, Martinez A, Soroa M, García-Iglesias D, Berenfeld O. Circulation, 2022 Nov 8; 146 (Suppl_1): a13089 - a13089.Journal ArticleAbstract 13089: Noninvasive Panoramic Mapping of Rotations and Rate With Adenosine Challenge Predicts Ablative Outcomes in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Patients
DOI:10.1161/circ.146.suppl_1.13089 -
Calvo D, Salinas L, Martínez-Camblor P, García-Iglesias D, Alzueta J, Rodríguez A, Romero R, Viñolas X, Fernández-Lozano I, Anguera I, Villacastín J, Bodegas A, Fontenla A, Jalife J, Berenfeld O. Europace, 2022 Nov 22; 24 (11): 1788 - 1799.Journal ArticleDistinct spectral dynamics of implanted cardiac defibrillator signals in spontaneous termination of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation in patients with electrical and structural diseases.
DOI:10.1093/europace/euac107 PMID: 35851611