Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine
Assistant Residency Program Director
2215 Fuller Rd
Ann Arbor
MI, 48105
[email protected]
Ann Arbor
MI, 48105
Available to mentor
Adam Stanford Tremblay, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
ResidencyUniversity of Michigan, Internal Medicine, 2002
BADartmouth College, Hanover, NH, 1995
Heisler M, Burgess J, Cass J, Chardos JF, Guirguis AB, Strohecker LA, Tremblay AS, Wu W-C, Zulman DM. J Gen Intern Med, 2021 Jun; 36 (6): 1648 - 1655.Journal ArticleEvaluating the Effectiveness of Diabetes Shared Medical Appointments (SMAs) as Implemented in Five Veterans Affairs Health Systems: a Multi-site Cluster Randomized Pragmatic Trial.
DOI:10.1007/s11606-020-06570-y PMID: 33532956 -
Rosland A-M, Piette JD, Trivedi R, Kerr EA, Stoll S, Tremblay A, Heisler M. Trials, 2018 Jul 24; 19 (1): 394Journal ArticleEngaging family supporters of adult patients with diabetes to improve clinical and patient-centered outcomes: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
DOI:10.1186/s13063-018-2785-2 PMID: 30041685 -
Ross PT, Fitzgerald JT, Ravindranath D, Pfeiffer PN, Singh MK, Weiner SJ, Rooney DM, Buckler S, Whitman L, Watts B, Jones D, Tremblay AS, Lypson ML. J Grad Med Educ, 2018 Jun; 10 (3): 279 - 284.Journal ArticleAssessing Residents' Veteran-Centered Care Skills in the Clinical Setting.
DOI:10.4300/JGME-D-17-00700.1 PMID: 29946384 -
DeJonckheere M, Robinson CH, Evans L, Lowery J, Youles B, Tremblay A, Kelley C, Sussman JB. JMIR Hum Factors, 2018 Apr 24; 5 (2): e19Journal ArticleDesigning for Clinical Change: Creating an Intervention to Implement New Statin Guidelines in a Primary Care Clinic.
DOI:10.2196/humanfactors.9030 PMID: 29691206 -
Heisler M, Burgess J, Cass J, Chardos JF, Guirguis AB, Jeffery SM, Strohecker LA, Tremblay AS, Wu W-C, Zulman DM. Trials, 2017 May 26; 18 (1): 239Journal ArticleThe Shared Health Appointments and Reciprocal Enhanced Support (SHARES) study: study protocol for a randomized trial.
DOI:10.1186/s13063-017-1959-7 PMID: 28549471 -
Robinson CH, Harrod M, Kerr EA, Forman JH, Tremblay A, Rosland AM. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 2016 Sep 1; 42 (9): 417 - 424.Journal ArticleChallenges to meeting access and continuity performance measures in a large hospital-based primary care clinic implementing the patient-centered medical home: A qualitative study
DOI:10.1016/s1553-7250(16)42083-0 -
Harrod M, Weston LE, Robinson C, Tremblay A, Greenstone CL, Forman J. J Interprof Care, 2016 May; 30 (3): 295 - 300.Journal Article"It goes beyond good camaraderie": A qualitative study of the process of becoming an interprofessional healthcare "teamlet".
DOI:10.3109/13561820.2015.1130028 PMID: 27028059 -
Lypson M, Ravindranath D, Ross P, Pfeiffer P, Griggs J, Buckler S, Whitman L, Tremblay A, Weiner S, Fitzgerald J. MedEdPORTAL Publications, 2016 Jan 1; 12:Journal ArticleVeteran Interactive Cases to Reinforce Service (VICTORS): Standardized Patient Assessment of Veteran-Centered Care.