Jon-Fredrik Nielsen
Research Associate Professor, UMOR Functional MRI Laboratory
Research Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Associate Research Scientist, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
[email protected]

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Jon-Fredrik Nielsen
Research Associate Professor
  • About
  • Research Overview
  • Recent Publications
  • About

    I am an MRI physicist in the functional MRI laboratory (now part of UM Radiology), specializing in developing, implementing, and disseminating new MRI pulse sequences. I collaborate with researchers in UM Neurology, Radiology, and Engineering, to improve functional and structural MRI. My works mostly involves brain imaging, but the techniques I have helped develop can also be used in other contexts.

    Research Overview

    My main areas of research and development are: (1) making MRI measurements more robust across sites and scanner vendor platforms, (2) designing 'shaped' radiofrequency (RF) pulses that select a 2D/3D region to be imaged (as opposed to conventional 1D slice-selective RF pulses), and (3) quantitative MRI with a focus on brain tissue characterization in, e.g., neurodegenerative disease.

    Recent Publications See All Publications
    • Journal Article
      Stochastic optimization of three-dimensional non-Cartesian sampling trajectory.
      Wang G, Nielsen J-F, Fessler JA, Noll DC. Magn Reson Med, 2023 Aug; 90 (2): 417 - 431. DOI:10.1002/mrm.29645
      PMID: 37066854
    • Journal Article
      Off-resonance artifact correction for MRI: A review.
      Haskell MW, Nielsen J-F, Noll DC. NMR Biomed, 2023 May; 36 (5): e4867 DOI:10.1002/nbm.4867
      PMID: 36326709
    • Journal Article
      Open-source MR imaging and reconstruction workflow.
      Veldmann M, Ehses P, Chow K, Nielsen J-F, Zaitsev M, Stöcker T. Magn Reson Med, 2022 Dec; 88 (6): 2395 - 2407. DOI:10.1002/mrm.29384
      PMID: 35968675
    • Preprint
      Stochastic Optimization of 3D Non-Cartesian Sampling Trajectory (SNOPY)
      Wang G, Nielsen J-F, Fessler JA, Noll DC. 2022 Sep 22; arXiv, DOI:10.48550/arxiv.2209.11030
    • Journal Article
      B-Spline Parameterized Joint Optimization of Reconstruction and K-Space Trajectories (BJORK) for Accelerated 2D MRI.
      Wang G, Luo T, Nielsen J-F, Noll DC, Fessler JA. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 2022 Sep; 41 (9): 2318 - 2330. DOI:10.1109/TMI.2022.3161875
      PMID: 35320096
    • Preprint
      Off-resonance artifact correction for magnetic resonance imaging: a review
      Haskell MW, Nielsen J-F, Noll DC. 2022 May 2; arXiv, DOI:10.48550/arxiv.2205.01028
    • Journal Article
      Joint Design of RF and Gradient Waveforms via Auto-differentiation for 3D Tailored Excitation in MRI.
      Luo T, Noll DC, Fessler JA, Nielsen J-F. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 2021 Dec; 40 (12): 3305 - 3314. DOI:10.1109/TMI.2021.3083104
      PMID: 34029188
    • Journal Article
      Across-vendor standardization of semi-LASER for single-voxel MRS at 3T.
      Deelchand DK, Berrington A, Noeske R, Joers JM, Arani A, Gillen J, Schär M, Nielsen J-F, Peltier S, Seraji-Bozorgzad N, Landheer K, Juchem C, Soher BJ, Noll DC, Kantarci K, Ratai EM, Mareci TH, Barker PB, Öz G. NMR Biomed, 2021 May; 34 (5): e4218 DOI:10.1002/nbm.4218
      PMID: 31854045