Assistant Professor of Human Genetics
[email protected]
Available to mentor
Agnieszka Lukaszewicz
Assistant Professor
Center MemberCenter for Cell Plasticity and Organ Design
Lukaszewicz A, Lange J, Keeney S, Jasin M. Cell, 2021 Nov 24; 184 (24): 5970 - 5984.e18.Journal ArticleDe novo deletions and duplications at recombination hotspots in mouse germlines.
DOI:10.1016/j.cell.2021.10.025 PMID: 34793701 -
Lukaszewicz A, Lange J, Keeney S, Jasin M. bioRxiv,PreprintDe novo deletions and duplications at recombination hotspots in mouse germlines
DOI:10.1101/2020.06.23.168138 -
Lukaszewicz A, Lange J, Keeney S, Jasin M. Cell Cycle, 2018 17 (10): 1155 - 1172.Journal ArticleControl of meiotic double-strand-break formation by ATM: local and global views.
DOI:10.1080/15384101.2018.1464847 PMID: 29963942 -
Lukaszewicz A, Lange J, Keeney S, Jasin M. bioRxiv,PreprintControl of meiotic double-strand-break formation by ATM: local and global views
DOI:10.1101/236984 -
Lukaszewicz A, Shodhan A, Loidl J. DNA Repair (Amst), 2015 Nov; 35: 137 - 143.Journal ArticleExo1 and Mre11 execute meiotic DSB end resection in the protist Tetrahymena.
DOI:10.1016/j.dnarep.2015.08.005 PMID: 26519827 -
Shodhan A, Lukaszewicz A, Novatchkova M, Loidl J. Genetics, 2014 Nov; 198 (3): 983 - 993.Journal ArticleMsh4 and Msh5 function in SC-independent chiasma formation during the streamlined meiosis of Tetrahymena.
DOI:10.1534/genetics.114.169698 PMID: 25217051 -
Lukaszewicz A, Howard-Till RA, Loidl J. Nucleic Acids Res, 2013 Nov; 41 (20): 9296 - 9309.Journal ArticleMus81 nuclease and Sgs1 helicase are essential for meiotic recombination in a protist lacking a synaptonemal complex.
DOI:10.1093/nar/gkt703 PMID: 23935123 -
Howard-Till RA, Lukaszewicz A, Novatchkova M, Loidl J. PLoS Genet, 2013 Mar; 9 (3): e1003418Journal ArticleA single cohesin complex performs mitotic and meiotic functions in the protist tetrahymena.
DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003418 PMID: 23555314