Hello hello! Happy [almost] spring to everyone! It has been an amazingly mild winter here in Ann Arbor--it has snowed [a few times], been cold[ish], but overall has been really really nice.
My post title has two meanings today. First off, THE SMOKER! This Friday and Saturday at Mendelsohn Theater in the Michigan League, "Thrombinhood and His Merry Meds" will be showing. Medical students have written, produced, directed, acted in, composed songs, etc...and it's off the chain [hello 1990s phrase]. We are in Tech Week, which means rehearsal until the wee hours of the night [we get kicked out at midnight], all to produce an amazing show on Friday and Saturday. Perhaps it is because graduation is in 73 days [big gulps] and this is my last Smoker, but it's been really bittersweet, and I'm trying to enjoy the time with my classmates before we head off to all corners of the country for residency. Speaking of that, Match Day is on March 17th, so stay tuned to find out where Sarah and I will be spending the next 4+ years of our lives. Exciting times for sure.
The second meaning of the title has to do with the class I'm currently taking. Dr. Zeller is one of the premier anatomists at the U, and he started working here when I was an M1. I have brought anatomy full-circle, enrolling in the Emergency Medicine Procedures course which he co-teaches. It has been amazing to go back through ALLL the anatomy that we learned in 8 months as M1s, in about 3.5 weeks. We have also learned some pretty neat procedures in the simulation lab, including inserting chest tubes, intubation, central line placement, and a host of other minor procedures that I will be doing as an intern in a few short months. It has been a great class, and last week we got to learn how to put casts on. To be honest, I'm a bit obsessed with casts. I have never broken a bone, and I always thought it was really cool when people had casts and you signed them, etc. back in elementary school. So this was my time to shine, and we had an awesome afternoon putting them on one another [and subsequently using the saw to take them off!].
Anyways, back to the last day of class--any questions, hit me up: [email protected]

Department of Communication at Michigan Medicine
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