Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
8001 Challis Road
MI, 48116-0762
[email protected]
MI, 48116-0762
Available to mentor
Jessica Lyden Hoffman, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
MDDuke University School of Medicine, Durham, 2018
Primary Care Leadership Track (PCLT)Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, 2018
BSDuke University, Durham, 2012
White MJ, Hoffman J, Armstrong S, Skinner AC. Clin Pediatr (Phila), 2020 Jan; 59 (1): 70 - 74.Journal ArticleBody Mass Index Change Between Referral to and Enrollment in Pediatric Weight Management.
DOI:10.1177/0009922819884587 PMID: 31658819 -
Andrews M, Sawyer C, Frerichs L, Skinner AC, Hoffman J, Gaskin K, Armstrong S. Clin Pediatr (Phila), 2018 Jun; 57 (7): 783 - 791.Journal ArticleFeasibility of a Clinic-Community Partnership to Treat Childhood Obesity.
DOI:10.1177/0009922817734359 PMID: 28969465 -
Hoffman J, Armstrong S, Jackson J. Pediatric obesity: Etiology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment, 2018Journal ArticleThe Role of the Primary Care Provider in Long-Term Counseling: Establishing a Therapeutic Alliance with the Child and Family
DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-68192-4 -
Hoffman J. 2016 May;PresentationConnecting Conversations: Primary Care and Oncology
Hoffman J, Xenos ES, Korosec RL, Davenport DL. American Journal of Managed Care, 2014 Oct; 20 (9): e432 - 438.Journal ArticleNinety-day Readmission Risks, Rates, and Costs after Common Vascular Surgeries
Hoffman J, Frerichs L, Gaskin K, Watson L, Andrews M, Sawyer C, Armstrong S. 2016 Oct;Proceeding / Abstract / PosterA novel healthcare-community partnership for childhood obesity treatment: Baseline characteristics and feasibility data
Hoffman J, Frerichs L, Gaskin K, Watson L, Andrews M, Sawyer C. 2016 Feb;Proceeding / Abstract / PosterA novel healthcare-community partnership for childhood obesity treatment: Study design and methods
Hoffman J, Frerichs L, Gaskin K, Watson L, Andrews M, Sawyer C, Armstrong S. 2016 Apr;Proceeding / Abstract / PosterA novel healthcare-community partnership for childhood obesity treatment: Study design and methods