Clinical Instructor in Internal Medicine
West Ann Arbor Health Center
380 Parkland Plaza Ste 110
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
[email protected]
380 Parkland Plaza Ste 110
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Available to mentor
Donald Martin, MD
Clinical Instructor
Meador-Woodruff JH, Pellerito B, Hoverstein M, Martin DK, Akil H. Biological Psychiatry, 1998 Jan; 25: 146A - 146A.Journal ArticleGene Transfer and Expression in Mammalian Cell Lines: A Method to Study Regulation of Neuropeptide Processing
Lin HL, Day N, Martin DK, Aki H. Neuroendocrinology, 1993 Jan; 58: 94 - 105.Journal ArticleTissue-Specific and Substrate Specific Endoproteolytic Cleavage of Monkey Proopiomelanocortin in Heterologous Endocrine Cells
Lin HL, Day NC, Ueda Y, Dixon JE, Martin DK, Seidah NG, Akil H. 1988 Jan;Proceeding / Abstract / PosterTransfection of Monkey Proopiomelanocortin cDNA into Cultured Mammalian Cell Lines: 27