Clinical Instructor in Internal Medicine
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Adam Zahr
Clinical Instructor
Taylor SP, Morley C, Donaldson M, Samuel P, Reed N, Noorali A, Sutaria N, Zahr A, Bray B, Kowalkowski MA. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 2024 Apr; 21 (4): 627 - 634.Journal ArticleCharacterizing Program Delivery for an Effective Multicomponent Sepsis Recovery Intervention.
DOI:10.1513/AnnalsATS.202311-998OC PMID: 38285910 -
Adam Zahr MD, David Paje MD. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 2020 Jan 1;Proceeding / Abstract / PosterA CASE OF IGG4-RELATED DISEASE PRESENTING AS RECURRENT SINUSITIS AND MASTOIDITIS