Clinical Assistant Professor
Available to mentor
Stephanie K Stein Young, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Curran D, Kappy M, Kobernik E, Bell C, Young S, Marzano D. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2018 Apr 1; 131: 137S - 137S.Proceeding / Abstract / PosterIntrauterine pressure catheter measurements and body mass index
Young SK. State of Michigan Guidelines, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, 2015 Jan 1; 1:Journal ArticleDuring Pregnancy, the Mouth Matters: A Guide to Michigan Perinatal Oral Health.
Riedlinger J, Beqaj SH, Milish MA, Young S, Smith R, Dodd M, Hankerd RE, Lebar WD, Newton DW. J Clin Microbiol, 2010 Nov; 48 (11): 4239 - 4241.Journal ArticleMulticenter evaluation of the BD Max GBS assay for detection of group B streptococci in prenatal vaginal and rectal screening swab specimens from pregnant women.
DOI:10.1128/JCM.00947-10 PMID: 20826650