Available to mentor
Dr. Reed graduated from Western Michigan University, then attended medical school at Wayne State University. She completed her Pediatrics residency at the University of Michigan C. S. Mott Children’s Hospital in 2011. Since then, Dr. Reed has been working as a pediatrician at the Howell Health Center; where she is now the Medical Director. Dr. Reed has been involved in the Primary Care Advisory Committee at the University of Michigan and has helped revise the Allergic Rhinitis Treatment Guidelines. She was involved in a research project analyzing incidents related to vaccine administration. Dr. Reed works with medical students and residents in clinic. Dr. Reed lives in South Lyon with her husband and 3 children. Her outside interests include spending time with her family, photography, scrapbooking and reading.
Lauren Reed was a co-author of "Vaccine administration error rates at a large academic medical center and its affiliated clinics - Familiarity matters" in Vaccine in 2019.
Reed L, Tarini BA, Andreae MC. Vaccine, 2019 Aug 23; 37 (36): 5390 - 5396.Journal ArticleVaccine administration error rates at a large academic medical center and its affiliated clinics - Familiarity matters.
DOI:10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.07.027 PMID: 31350155 -
2018 Jun 1;PresentationVaccine Administration Error Rates at a Large Academic Medical Center and its Affiliated Clinics - Familiarity Matters.
Reed L. 2017Additional Scholarship"Ear Pain in Children"
2013 Oct 1;PresentationUpdates to University of Michigan Allergic Rhinitis Guidelines
DeGuzman D, Bettcher C, Van Harrison R, Holland C, Reed L, Remington T, Zacharek M. 2013Additional Scholarship"Allergic Rhinitis: Guidelines for Clinical Care"
2011 Jun 1;PresentationIncident Reports Related to Vaccine Administration and Documentation
2010 Jan 1;PresentationThe Effectiveness of Screening Questionnaires at Detecting Developmental Delay: An Evidence Based Medicine Presentation
2009 Jan 1;PresentationInhaled Steroids and Growth, Endocrinology Presentation