Professor of Pediatrics
[email protected]
Available to mentor
Margie C Andreae
Clinical Professor
Reed L, Tarini BA, Andreae MC. Vaccine, 2019 Aug 23; 37 (36): 5390 - 5396.Journal ArticleVaccine administration error rates at a large academic medical center and its affiliated clinics - Familiarity matters.
DOI:10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.07.027 PMID: 31350155 -
Kanter DM, Lander R, Molteni RA, COMMITTEE ON CODING AND NOMENCLATURE, PRIVATE PAYER ADVOCACY ADVISORY COMMITTEE . Pediatrics, 2019 Oct; 144 (4):Journal ArticlePediatric Application of Coding and Valuation Systems.
DOI:10.1542/peds.2019-2496 PMID: 31570652 -
2014 Jun 1;Presentation"Physician Payments: Understanding the RUC"
Committee on Coding and Nomenclature , Gerstle RS, Molteni RA, Andreae MC, Bradley JF, Brewer ED, Calabrese J, Krug SE, Liechty EA, Linzer JF, Pillsbury JM, Tuli SY. Pediatrics, 2014 Jun; 133 (6): 1158 - 1162.Journal ArticleApplication of the resource-based relative value scale system to pediatrics.
DOI:10.1542/peds.2014-0866 PMID: 24864168 -
Chick D, Andreae M. MedEdPORTAL; 2014. [Available, 2014 Jan 1; 1:Journal ArticleDiagnosis Coding for Clinicians: Core Knowledge and Transition to ICD-10.
Gerstle RS, Molteni RA, Andreae MC, Bradley JF, Brewer ED, Calabrese J, Krug SE, Liechty EA, Linzer Sr JF, Pillsbury JM, Tuli SY. Application of the Resource-Based Relative Value Scale System to Pediatrics. Pediatrics originally published online May 26, 2014 as DOI: 10.1542/peds.2014-0866, 2014 Jan 1; 1:Journal ArticlePolicy Statement from National Committee on Coding and Nomenclature of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
2013 Jun 1;Presentation"UMHS Revenue Cycle Operations: Understanding Clinical Payments"
Azim J, Andreae MCR. British Medical Journal Point-of-Care [Available at www.pointof], 2013 Jan 1; 1:Journal ArticleBritish Medical Journal Point-of-Care 2012.